Personnel Assessment

Assessment Center, Psychometric Tests,
Competency Assessment

We apply various techniques (both group and individual) to enable organizations to assess their personnel or potential candidates. These techniques are used for personnel selection, career development, potential assessment, training and development needs assessment, competency evaluation, among other applications.

Assessment Center

The Assessment Center is a group evaluation technique that allows us to assess the capabilities, skills, attitudes, and knowledge of participants. We design activities such as negotiation exercises, interactive tasks, leadership simulations, games, and other group dynamics tailored to each specific requirement.

Psychometric Tests

Psychometric tests are a set of individual assessment techniques that delve into the structural guidelines of personality and the aptitudes of candidates. We use a range of psychometric tests, including the Raven Progressive Matrices, DISC assessment, Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test, and projective tests such as the House-Tree-Person (HTP) test, Draw-A-Person Under the Rain (DAP-R), Desiderative Questionnaire, Rorschach Inkblot Test, and Zulliger Test. These tests provide valuable insights into the cognitive abilities, personality traits, and emotional aspects of individuals.

Competency Assessment

Competency Assessment (DISC, Trimetrix). Through an online form, we conduct competency assessments using tools such as DISC and Trimetrix. These assessments provide immediate information about an individual’s personal behavioral style. By combining assessments of behaviors, values, and competencies, we can determine how a person will behave, why they behave that way, and what they are capable of doing. These assessments help us understand an individual’s talent and personal skills to make informed decisions regarding their fit for specific roles or tasks.


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